
Our Packages

C-SECTION Package (1,2 or more previous C- section package)

A cesarean section, sometimes known as a C-section, is a medical procedure that involves delivering a baby through an incision in the mother's belly and uterus. While it is typically performed when vaginal delivery poses a risk to the mother or baby, such as in cases of prolonged labor, fetal distress, or certain medical conditions, it can also be scheduled ahead of time for a variety of reasons, including previous C-section deliveries, breech presentation, or maternal health concerns. During a C-section, anesthetic is delivered to the mother to keep her comfortable and pain-free. To safely deliver the baby, the surgeon creates an incision in the belly and uterus, then removes the placenta. C-sections can be performed in a variety of settings, including emergencies where immediate delivery is required for the mother's or baby's well-being, as well as elective cases where a planned C-section is booked ahead of time. While C-sections are generally safe, they do involve risks such as infection, blood loss, and lengthier recovery times than vaginal delivery. Mothers usually require a longer hospital stay following the treatment and may endure discomfort during the healing phase. However, C-sections are frequently life-saving interventions that ensure the safe delivery of newborns and women in difficult situations. Women who have C-sections receive extensive care and support from a professional medical team, ensuring a positive outcome for both mother and baby.

How long will it take to heal after a C-section?

While recovery times vary, most women can expect to be in the hospital for 5 days and return to normal activities within 2-3 weeks. Following post-operative advice, such as taking prescribed medications, avoiding heavy lifting, and getting enough of rest, might help your recovery go more smoothly.

How can I deal with discomfort after a C-section?

Pain drugs, both over-the-counter and prescription, are frequently used to treat post-operative pain. Furthermore, putting ice packs to the incision site and performing relaxation techniques might help relieve pain.

Will the scar from the C-section be noticeable?

C-section scars usually diminish with time, however they may remain visible. Massaging the scar with moisturizer and avoiding sun exposure can help to reduce its appearance.

Will having a C-section impact my ability to breastfeed?

Breastfeeding after a C-section may be more difficult at first due to discomfort and limited mobility. Most women can successfully breastfeed after a C-section if they are properly positioned and have lactation consultant support.

Can I have a vaginal birth after a C-section in subsequent pregnancies?

Many women can safely undergo a VBAC, depending on the cause for the previous C-section, the style of incision used, and the presence of any extra risk factors. Discussing VBAC alternatives with a healthcare physician is critical for making sound decisions.

What are the possible problems of a C-section?

While problems are uncommon, they can include infection, blood loss, and damage to surrounding organs. Trusting the medical team's knowledge and following post-operative instructions helps reduce the likelihood of complications.